Candy Gragger: Free Printable
Here is a perfect Mishloach Manot designed with the younger ones in mind.
It is made by simply gluing a Skate Taffy to a box of Mike and Ikes to create a real looking/sounding gragger.
Candy Graggers are fun to assemble, fun to give and of course fun to receive.
To top it off, we had Leah of OMG Design create an adorable free printable label for you to stick on.
Be sure to make some extra for all your little surprise guests.
Click on here for the link for the free printable.
- Small box of Mike and Ikes
- Skate Taffy
- Free printable printed on Avery 8.5″x 11″ sticker label
- Using a glue gun, glue the Mike and Ikes to the Skate taffy.
- Print out the labels, remove the backing of the sticker and stick it to the box.
Enjoy and Happy Purim!
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