Graduate in Style
The year my sister Leah’s husband graduated, the entire family monumentalized the occasion with this celebratory mishloach manot. With an accompanying unisex costume, it’s a smart one to the nth degree!
You will need:
- Bottle of Smart Water
- Water bottle
- Black construction paper
- Tassels
- Clear tube filled with candy or gourmet popcorn
- Cream-colored paper and blue ribbon
- White candy
- Chocolate bar with
- 3" round cookie
- Fondant
- Transparency graphics
1. Attach the cream-colored paper to the clear tube and tie with a ribbon for the diploma. Fill with popcorn or candy.
2. Fill the empty water bottle with white candy. Cut out the black construction paper and glue it on top, along with a black tassel, to create a mortarboard.
3. Use the fondant and transparency graphics to assemble your “smart cookie.”
Photography by Hudi Greenberger
This article originally appeared in Family First