To Do or Not to Do - How Do You Do Donuts?
There are 2 types of donut eaters - the holistic donut aficionado, that's the person that needs a pure donut experience. NO fillings. NO toppings. MAYBE a slight dusting of confectionary sugar. Also known as Donut Purists, they need them fried fresh and are critical regarding texture.
The second category of donut eaters are donut decorators. They love toying with different fillings, frostings, toppings and the like. The donut is their palette and they are the artists.
If you belong to camp number 2 then you don't want to miss my article on with a slew of donut decorating ideas. From fun to sophisticated, from crunchy to creamy, there's a whole world of donut decorating designs to drool over (say then ten times fast!!)
Visit's Off the Wall Donuts Article by clicking here.
Most importantly - Stay Calm and Eat Donuts.
Happy Channukah!!