The Modern Challah Getup

Modern Challah Getup

A homemade challah paired with garlic confit and some sliced meat is a  meal unto its own.
Magnificently wrapped, it makes for a regal and delicious mishloach manot package.

You will need:


1. Spray the baking pan well with cooking spray. Arrange your challah dough in the pan and bake until golden.
2. Fill the test tubes with garlic confit and seasoned salt.
3. Wrap the roast beef in parchment paper.
4. Assemble your mishloach manot, arranging the challah with the roast beef in the white fabric and tying on the greenery and test tubes with twine.

 Modern Challah

Photography by Hudi Greenberger

This article originally appeared in Family First

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1 comment

  • NOW you’re talking!!!!! This is my favorite! Keep those yummy ideas coming! B’TAI-AVON!!!!!!!!


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