Megillah Mishloach Manot

The latest issue of JCreate Mag is LIVE and it's beyond gorgeous!! When Abbey asked me to contibute an article for the Purim issue, I knew that this adorable Mishloach Manot idea would be a winner! There's nothing like going back to the basics - with an original twist! Take a look what  my good friend and neighbor Mrs. Leah Trenk created last year to give out to her grandchildren for Mishloach Manot. She purchased two inexpensive plastic containers at Amazing Savings, filled them with nosh, then taped them together  to form a  "scroll". She designed a wrapper to go around the jars which said "Megillat Esther".

Step 1

Fill the jars with nosh.


Step 2

Use clear Scotch Tape to tape the jars together.  



Step 3

Wrap the Megillah with printed paper. 



  • So sorry, I am really not sure….

    Esther O.
  • Any thoughts on where to get the tupperware on line? Would love to do this but dont live near amazing savings. What would you call this to search? Thanks

  • Mirel Gold liked this on Facebook.

    Mirel Gold
  • adorable!

    Alana Goldner Mutterperl
  • Dafne Zaruvabeli liked this on Facebook.

    Dafne Zaruvabeli

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