DIY Frosted Muffin

DIY Muffin

Muffins is a very easy to prepare, inexpensive and of course a delicious pastry to prepare for Mishloach Manos.

For this presentation, I used my favorite carrot muffin recipe from

BY Cookbook 2

This packaging idea will be less headache as to how to package the frosted muffins and more fun for the recipient as they get to decorate their very own muffins.

You will need:

  • 3" x 6" x 1-3/8” clear box filled with mini muffins (I purchased at Center of Town, Lakewood, NJ)
  • Pastry bag  filled with cream cheese frosting
  • 9"x3.5"x7” Peekaboo Box
  • 1.5”x9” label (




Photography by Hudi Greenberger

Label by OMGdesign by Leah -

This article originally appeared in Family First

*This post contains affiliate links from Amazon, which means I earn a very small commission if you click and make a purchase

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