Mishloach Manos Explosion


mishloach manos explosion

Are you looking for a really fun mishloach manos idea?

Surprise your friends with this “out of the box” mishloach manos which is so fun to receive and open. The idea is extremely versatile and can be done in so many ways. Whether you choose a theme, color or just use your favorite sweets, this idea will surely be very well received.

You will need:

Explosion mm



  1. Remove the cover of the box.
  2. Using the razor, carefully slit open the sides of the box.


  3.Use the glue gun to attach candy.Step2

   4. Apply label to bottom of box, optional.Step 3

5. Lift all 4 sides of the box and cover it. You may need a second pair of hands to do this.

Step 4

Attach ribbon and  label.

Photography by Perretti Photography

This article originally appeared in Family First

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