Esther O Design

Apple Crumb Challah

apple crisp
Apple Crumb Challah

Esrog Challah


There's nothing like spending some quality time in the kitchen with your children.

In 2019 we featured the Challah Apples in Family Table for Rosh Hashanah. The idea went viral and these adorable Challah Apples became a Rosh Hashanah staple in many Jewish homes.

As a result, in 2020 we featured these Esrog Challahs in honor of Sukkos. They too became extremely popular.

Esrog Challah

The Modern Challah Getup

Modern Challah Getup

A homemade challah paired with garlic confit and some sliced meat is a Yom Tov meal unto its own.
Magnificently wrapped, it makes for a regal and delicious mishloach manot package.

The Modern Challah Getup

Apple Challah Rolls

Apple Challah Rolls

Combine the two items that take center stage on your Rosh Hashana table.

Apple Challah Rolls

Dreidel Challah

Challah Dreidel

Now it’s the challahs “turn” to get into the Chanukah action!! Following a few simple steps you can create a cutom made dreidel shaped challah.

Dreidel Challah

Challah and Honey

challah & honey

I always liked the idea of putting individual servings of honey by each person’s seat to reduce the mess and stickiness. For this presentation, I wrapped challah dough around a tiny little ramekin. A 1 ounce ramekin the perfect size for honey.

Challah and Honey

Challah Ring Box

ring challah

Many people enjoy giving/ receiving  Challah for Mishloach Manot.

Give your favorite challah in attention-grabbing kick of style, newspaper parchment  paper.

Made of microwavable, grease resistant paper, this deli sandwich wrap paper is perfect for wrapping sandwiches or lining serving baskets as well. 

Challah Ring Box

Challah Baking Bar

challah bar

Making Challah Baking a  focal point of this simcha gives the Bas Mitzvah girl the opportunity to do the Mitzvah of Hafrashas challah for the very first time in her life in the presence of  her close family and friends . To "top" it off everyone can braid and spice their own challah, choosing from the whole array of seeds and spices. Teaching the girls a new way to brade can be part of the activity. Send home baked challah in beautiful labeled box.

Challah Baking Bar

Shlissel Challah

As we all get back into our normal post Passover routine (whatever that is!) there is an age old custom to make “Shlissel” (Key) Challah as a Segulah (omen) for livelihood.  This year, I added caramel coloring to part of my dough to give a new “twist” to this ancient Minhag.

Shlissel Challah

Two Tone Bread Skewer

These are great to compliment a hearty vegetable soup. With bread and soup, you have your whole meal in a beautifully arranged presentation!

Two Tone Bread Skewer


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