Esther O Design

"I Can't Believe It's Not-Chometz" Chocolate Cake

After the photo shoot for Mishpacha Magazine (where this article originally appeared)  I had this cake, and a Chometz cake on my kitchen counter, and…. The chometz cake didn’t stand a chance! This cake is seriously delicious! It is tasty enough to be served "plain" or it can be enhanced with a confectionary sugar design or a delectable frosting(see recipe below).I have a friend who is a fabulous baker. She told me that after she made this recipe for the first time, she threw  out all her Pesach brownie and chocolate cake recipes.

"I Can't Believe It's Not-Chometz" Chocolate Cake

Granola Mishloach Manot

 It’s all in the Bag! Too much nosh on Purim?! (How’s that for a rhetorical question!?) Try this healthy Mishloach Manot as an alternative. This delicious granola mix is sure to be a hit. Presented in this "stay fresh" bag, complimented by a pineapple ring on the bow , for anyone health minded.. you’re good to go!


Granola Mishloach Manot

Tu B'shvat Dried Fruit Chocolate Clusters

I was totally convinced I had hit upon a brilliant idea... Why not combine the dried fruits with another fruit..... Chocolate! Well, after a little research I realized that chocolate is actually classified as a vegetable.... Oh well. The idea however was too good not to post -  so here it is, Dried Fruit Chocolate Cluster

Tu B'shvat Dried Fruit Chocolate Clusters

Fruity Trifle Spread


Fruity Trifle Spread

Trader Joe's Rainbow Salad


Trader Joe's Rainbow Salad

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ever since I got this recipe from my sister-in-law, some 15 years ago, this has been my go to recipe for Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. These cookies are  simple to make and freeze beautifully.

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Sesame Pretzel Rolls

Just last week I made this recipe for these pretzel rolls, and.. they really taste like pretzels…..regular standard pretzels, but with a chewy, appealing texture – my children were eating them, literally out of the oven!

So if you like pretzels, and you’re looking for an idea to shake things up a bit with your typical breads, this simple idea is for you. You can eat them plain or as bread for a sandwich, either way for best results serve them warm.

Sesame Pretzel Rolls

Hanukkah Donut Pops

This is a Hanukkah variation of cake pops. Purchase unglazed donuts pre ordered from a local donut shop or you can make them on your own using a Mini Doughnut Maker (I prefer to make them on my own, this way I avoid some of the excesses oil donuts are notorious for). Decorate them with the icings and toppings listed below, wrap them in a clear cellophane paper and ribbons, and  you can create a memorable Hanukkah party favor for everyone to enjoy.

Hanukkah Donut Pops

Blueberry Crumb Cake

This mouthwatering blueberry cake is sure to become a family favorite!
Blueberry Crumb Cake

Apple-Almond-Brandy Cobbler

Maybe it’s my childhood memories of visiting my grandmother  and always receiving a marzipan treat years ago, but for whatever the reason, marzipan has always been for me a delicacy. Try this variation of the popular apple cobbler, with marzipan,a little brandy for a new twist and topped with a caramel sauce.
Apple-Almond-Brandy Cobbler

Colorful Couscous

This couscous recipe is a real time saver, as it doesn't require the couscous to be cooked beforehand.

Colorful Couscous

Apple Ices

Enjoy this" sweet" new idea for a "Sweet New Year"! A refreshing and very simple idea to finish off any Yom Tov meal.
Apple Ices


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